Sunday 1 August 2021

Wheel of the Year - Imbolc

As I live in the southern hemisphere we are now entering Imbolc and today was a lovely warm day to introduce this new season. It was so nice enjoying a warm day after the cold months we've just been through, those of us in the southern hemisphere that is. I understand that a lot of people will be experiencing a cooler change in the northern hemisphere, but that is how the seasons turn.

Wheel of the Year (Southern Hemisphere)

We sit now halfway between Yule and Ostara, otherwise known as Christmas and Easter, and at the very beginnings of Spring. So for this season of Imbolc I created my seasonal beads. There are eight in total, one for each turn of the Wheel of the Year. Below you can see all eight beads I made, and to see how these are made you can visit HERE.

For this new season of Imbolc I have my Imbolc beads displayed alongside my Imbolc card from the Witches' Wisdom Oracle deck. This is a deck I use manly for displaying the different seasons with its seasonal cards. However it is a lovely deck and I would like to work with it more in the future as more then just cards for display.

Witches' Wisdom oracle cards - Imbolc

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