Sunday 21 August 2022

Oracle Card Of The Week - Healing With The Fairies Oracle Cards

For the past couple of weeks I have been pulling a card of the week from the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards deck. This is actually a deck that I have been carrying around for many years but had not given too much thought to until recently. I actually almost sold this deck a few months back when I was moving because it was a deck I basically never used. Now, however, I am glad I held onto it.

This deck was a gift from my sister who knew I had a love of faeries and I suppose that was partly the reason I didn't end up selling it. But I think part of why I never really reached for this deck in the past was because it always felt a little too cute with all its sweet meanings, that and the artwork being totally inconsistent due to having nine artists threw me a bit.

But I have actually come to really enjoy using this deck as a card of the week, now that I am actually paying attention to the meanings for these cards, and although the fairies depicted with their butterfly wings are not my usual aesthetic, the messages they convey are nurturing and healing and I suppose something I need to be hearing right now.

This Family Harmony card talks of healing, acceptance and love, and along with the cards meanings in the guidebook is practical advice and an affirmation that for this card reads: I see the goodness within each member of my family. My family life is harmonious and filled with love and joy.